Did you know that approximately 7.5 million Jewish people live in the United States?

And most don't know Yeshua.

"Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and my prayer to God
for Israel is for their salvation."

Romans 10:1

"...And so, All Israel will be saved!"

Romans 11:26

Concerning his Jewish Brothers who don't yet believe, Paul writes
"How then shall they call on the One in whom they have not trusted? And how shall they trust in the One they have not heard of? And how shall they hear without someone proclaiming?"

Romans 10:14

The Scale of the Mission is Vast!

There are only about 450 Messianic Congregations in the U.S., Those few Messianic ministries cannot accomplish the task alone.  However, there are multiplied thousands of churches who have a love for the Jewish people and a passion to see them come to faith in Jesus.    The immensity of this undertaking requires the full cooperation of the Jewish believers and non-Jewish believers - ("the One New Man" Eph. 2:15) -  working TOGETHER in unity to make Yeshua known.  

But many Christians feel ill-equipped to effectively minister to the American Jewish community.   That's where we come in!  We want to come alongside Pastors and churches to train, equip and mobilize believers to effectively reach the American Jewish community with the Gospel.

We believe that working together with churches like yours, we can bridge this gap and bring the Good News of Yeshua to Jewish communities across the country—including those in YOUR community!

We want to Help Your Church Establish a Jewish Ministry Outreach

We offer a Comprehensive Approach to Help Your Church
Establish and Sustain an
 Ongoing Jewish Ministry:

1. Missions Training: "Reaching All Israel" Seminar
  • In-person or virtual training at your church.
  • Provides foundational understanding for cross-cultural ministry to Jewish people.
  • Equips your congregation to sensitively and effectively share the Gospel with Jewish individuals.
  • In collaboration with the National Jewish Fellowship of the AG School of Ministry, we are developing courses for those called to Jewish ministry.

2. Evangelistic Tools:
  • Short videos and written materials focused on Messianic prophecies and the Gospel, designed specifically for outreach to Jewish friends and neighbors.
  • These resources are created to help your church members engage in relationship-based outreach with Jewish individuals.

3. Ongoing Discipleship:
  • Jewish-friendly discipleship materials for new Jewish believers in Yeshua.
  • Designed for use in small groups or as part of your church’s discipleship programs.
  • Trusted resources that help guide new believers in their cultural and spiritual journey.

Let's work together.

Let us Partner with You and Your Church to Build a Vibrant and Healthy Jewish Ministry together.
Fill out the form below to get started.

Meet the team.

Rabbi Cosmo (M.Div) and Rivkah Panzetta

AG US Missions/ Rabbi
Congregational Leader of ShalomAZ Ministries
Cosmo and Rivkah Panzetta, Leaders of ShalomAZ Ministries and House of New Beginnings, have served as nationally appointed Assemblies of God Jewish Missionaries to the Jewish Community since 2006, serving alongside the Gannon at Israel's Redemption and in the launching of the King's University Messianic Jewish Studies Program.

In 2012, the Panzetta's became the Rabbi and Rebbetzin of Beth Yachad Messianic Congregation (now House of New Beginnings [HNB] / ShalomAZ Ministries) - a capacity in which they continue to serve.

Dr. Raymond (Ph.D.) and Kassiani Gannon

National Rep. for AG US Missions/ Founder of Israel's Redemption
Dr. Raymond and Kassiani Gannon have served in full-time Jewish Ministry for more than 50 years. They pioneered four Messianic congregations, including one one of the first modern Messianic Congregations in 1973, Beth Emanuel in Beverly Hills (Now Ahavot Zion).   The Gannons also lived and served in Israel for 15 years, pioneering Israel College of the Bible, before returning to the U.S. in 2003 to serve as the Assemblies of God National Representative for Jewish Ministries, and to launch Israel's Redemption.  In 2008, Dr. Gannon spearheaded the first fully-accredited Messianic Jewish Studies Program in the U.S. at the King's University.

Dr. Gannon has a wide array of degrees, including a Th.M. from Princeton University, a Ph.D. from California Graduate School of Theology (1976) and a Ph.D. from Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Dr. Gannon is the author of The Shifting Romance with Israel.

Dr. William (Ph.D) and Diana Bjoraker

AG US Missions/Teacher
William (Bill) Bjoraker, PhD, is an Assemblies of God US missionary to Jewish people. Bill & Diana Bjoraker have a life-calling to the Jewish people. They served eight years in Tel Aviv, Israel in teaching and pastoral ministry, and over thirty years in Jewish ministry in the greater Los Angeles area.   Bill is a specialist in Jewish studies. He is co-author with Tom Steffen of The Return of Oral Hermeneutics: As Good Today as it was for the Hebrew Bible and First Century Christianity , and Engaging the Jewish World: The Biblical Era 2000 BC-300BC, the first in a projected seven book series.

Antonio and Emma Panzetta

Director of Media / Missionary Associate
Antonio and Emma Panzetta have served at House of New Beginnings on a full-time basis since 2021, and really, since much earlier.  They were both Bar/Bat Mitzvah'd at HNB, and as they grew, they served in a variety of capacities within the ministry, with Antonio overseeing Media and Sound and Emma serving as Dance Leader. They have also served as the directors of HNB's Youth Ministry since 2022.

Together, Emma and Antonio are an integral part of the team, overseeing the critical role of Media and Social Media, in addition to pursuing ministry credentials to fulfill the call of God on their lives to make Yeshua known.