"The Lion is the Lamb" (Revelation 5:2-6)
Good morning! Join Rabbi Cosmo and the congregation of House of New Beginnings for a daily devotional!
Isaiah 11:1-9 Daily Manna:
Zechariah 4 Daily Manna:
Many of the names have been taken from this article. There are others missing in addition to these. https://http://www.israelhayom.com/2023/10/08/have-you-seen-them-these-are-the-people-still-missing
You can see the names and faces of the captives at https://stories.http://bringthemhomenow.net/
Watch this video with the names and faces of the captives: https://youtu.be/sx-swhm_i3c
Watch this video about a captive set free: